Saturday, November 29, 2008

Appaling Politics, Shameless Politicians

This second half of this week started on the worst note, it could. Obviously, I am referring to the Mumbai (nay Bombay, I don't favor the rechristening of city names) blast/terrorist attack. This was shocking to say the least.

I was waiting for the carnage to get over before I sit down and pen my thoughts. Didn't thought it would take more than 60 hours before I could write a single alphabet here. I am not into blame-game, practiced by our famed politicians but I will try to put straight facts which have been surfacing since the operation to smoke out the terrorists started.

First of all, we have a Home Minister (won't name him as everyone knows who I am referring to, also won't add adjectives, adverbs to his actions which has been common-place for him now-a-days). Well, I found out that since his tenure we have had 66 terrorist attacks. And every time I see him on the TV or read his reaction in newspapers, it seems like a tape-recorder running the same thing over and over again. Now his words have stopped sounding hollow. I am not sure how he manages to regain his precious seat time after time. Then comes our H'ble Prime Minister. Well, with all due respect to his persona, I fail to find anything concrete he has done to counter these attacks, if I may leave out his speech. He seems to have his hand tied which is not good for our country.

One of my friends countered that we can not jump to conclusion about their non-doings. But, the question I beg for answer is, "if their work is futile, should they continue to be at the top position when its people's life at stake?" They have their own repertoire of carbine-trotting guards, but are oblivious to the safety of common-man. "Do they deserve their post?"

Now, that the operation has ended with 11 terrorist killed, 1 captured, 195 persons dead, 300+ injured and around 11 cops laying down their lives. Do this politicians bother? Now, the blame-game will start. The opposition pointing fingers and finding loopholes. The government claiming ignorance and claiming the success of the operation as its own. Everyone will be eying their piece of the pie.

Let's leave the shameless politicians (I call them creatures, as according to me they don't deserve the label of human beings) and look at the preparedness of our para-military forces. The problem for me seems to be the very idea that the militants came through sea route. If its true, its really a very awkward situation for the intelligence to answer. I have come across numerous incidents where I have read that the coast guards have captured innocent fishermen from our neighboring country who had strayed into our waters and being kept in prison for years (same happens to our fishermen whey they stray across). How has the coast guards failed to detect these intruders? Are they only good when fishermen are there?

Secondly, I rue the lack of preparedness by our elite NSG. Although I am pretty sure, the bureaucracy has a hand in here too. How come they were not flown in earlier? There was no strategy what-so-ever to counter such situation. If there was any, it was apparently invisible.

I am not near an expert on security and things related to such warfare, but having read comments from experts on it from our country as well as others, it was plain that the foresight was missing when this mission was handled initially. Also I read some not-so-flattering remarks about our Home Minister efforts (or lack of it) from the foreign expert.

One of the thing that has come out of this has been the cost. An estimate from an article puts it at $100,000 to $200,000 (and that too for the arms, ammunition and the equipments used). And the damage is $800,000,000 and still counting (besides human lives). And 183 innocent and priceless life lost. So, inspite of the success of the operation, who actually lost?

Home Ministry will be active for a few days and then go back to sleep as if this never happened. Else how do you explain the ineffectiveness even after 66 incident? All talks and no concrete measures. The opposition (who was earlier in power) is no angel. I still can't get over the Kandahar incident where the then Defence Minister escorted the criminals.

I am yet to see the comment of the political leader who a few days back was going around giving hatred speech on regional basis, whose party workers vandalized a Railway Board Exam. He is being silent spectator, for it is his region's city which was protected by the NSG (which, I am very pleased, has no regional color).

With time, this will be forgotten as was the 66+ (counting earlier ones too) . The heroes will be forgotten (what a shame).

Writing this, I also came across an article which shows fresh banners being put nearby the epicenter of this attack honoring the heroes, with politicians names printed across half of the poster. How much more petty, politics can get? Looks like a bottomless pit.

Former RAW chief Vikram Sood puts it aptly here.

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